Mid Ohio Functional Wellness Blog

(Don’t) Trust The Process(ed)

(Don’t) Trust The Process(ed)

May 12, 2020

(Don’t) Trust The Process(ed) We’ve all heard the term processed food, but what is it? Isn’t food just food? I mean what makes one item processed and another item simply regular food? According to a definition on CookingLight.com processed food is – a food item that has had a series of mechanical or chemical operations…

Functional Movement And Fitness

Functional Movement And Fitness

August 26, 2019

Functional MovementAnd Fitness The average gym goer probably goes into the gym with a plan but no real why behind what they’ve planned for that day. They assume that just working out is enough. Although this is better than the alternative …it’s not the best approach. Without a clear metric of what it means to…

Getting Better At Sleep

Getting Better At Sleep

May 28, 2019

Getting Better At Sleep So let’s talk about sleep. Whether you do a little of it or a lot of it, getting enough sleep is vital to everything from weight loss or gain to memory, mental sharpness, energy, mood, appearance, etc. If you’re not getting enough there may be one or many reasons for it.…

Exercise vs. Diet…Which One Is More Important for Weight Loss in OH?

Exercise vs. Diet…Which One Is More Important for Weight Loss in OH?

May 15, 2019

Exercise vs. Diet…Which One Is More Important for Weight Loss in OH? People in OH seem to love debating whether exercise or diet is the more important factor when it comes to weight loss. Naturally, for a well-rounded and balanced attack, they are both a necessary part of your daily routine. However, when it comes…

Circuit Training

Circuit Training

April 22, 2019

Circuit Training Ok, so if you’re reading this article you probably already know that you need to exercise more to be truly healthy. However, you may not know what type of exercise you should be doing. There are a lot of different exercise options and styles and despite what most people think, there aren’t really…

Health Dangers of Carrying Extra Weight In Your Midsection

Health Dangers of Carrying Extra Weight In Your Midsection

April 15, 2019

Health Dangers of Carrying Extra Weight In Your Midsection Even though obesity and being overweight consists of carrying excess fat in several areas of your body, the midsection is the spot most associated with being overweight. Both men and women pack on excess abdominal fat as they gain weight, but it is men who seem…